
Designing an Eco-Friendly Luxury Home


An energy-efficient home offers benefits beyond cost savings. Designing a home with the environment in mind helps you do your part to contribute to the planet and leaves a positive lasting mark. Incorporating eco-friendly elements into your house can be completed during a new build, a home reno or simply by making a few adjustments to your current home. Read on to find out the ways to make your home more eco-friendly.

Window Position Matters
The placement of your windows can significantly impact your homes energy efficiency. North-south facing windows can affect the homes ability to attract and retain warm and cool air. If you live in a hot climate, large windows on the north side will bring in cool air and help distribute sunlight. Alternatively, if you live in a cooler climate, install smaller windows on the north side of the house to minimize heat loss. Also, dont underestimate the importance of energy-efficient windows. ENERGY STAR certified windows could reduce carbon footprints by an average of 12% nationwide.

Open Concept Layout
An open concept home goes beyond being a home design trend. An open concept home also improves light and ventilation throughout the house, reducing the need for additional light sources and heating and air conditioning in multiple rooms. Open concept layouts also make connecting the house to outdoor spaces easier, facilitating true indoor-outdoor living.

Source Locally
Sourcing locally not only reduces long-shipping delays, but also cuts down on shipping-related pollution and emissions. In addition, using local lumber, stone brick or clay can reduce overall pollution and add some originality and charm to your home.

Its Wise to Have a Smart Home
Integrating technology throughout the home can also make it more sustainable. Being able to manage your heating, cooling, lighting and irrigation through one central location and on-demand can reduce your homes overall energy usage. Even when youre away, you can ensure your home is as energy-efficient as possible.

Grow Your Garden
A beautifully maintained garden brings aesthetic benefits and can be a wonderful at-home retreat. However, a strategically planted garden can also offer a host of environmental benefits. For example, planting drought-resistant greenery can reduce your water usage. Also, growing your own fruits and vegetables can nourish both your body, as well as the earth. If your backyard has enough acreage, planting a citrus grove or apple orchard can help purify the air, provide shade, maintain healthy soil and, of course, offer delicious bites to eat.

Upgrade Your Lighting
While energy-saving lighting may seem small, its benefits can go a long way. Most luxury homes are equipped with energy-saving lighting systems that bring a beautiful glow while also being energy-efficient. LED lights are the gold standard of energy-efficient lighting while lending a natural glow. Automating your lighting system further elevates its ease, convenience and energy-saving benefits.

Published with permission from RISMedia.
