
4 Tips for Preserving a Historic Home


Its easy to fall in love with a house that dates back to a bygone era, flush with historic period details and breathtaking Old World craftsmanship. Preserving such a home, however, can be a significant challenge. While its likely far simpler to maintain a house that was more recently built, caring for a historic home is a true labor of love that can be endlessly rewarding. If youre considering purchasing an antique home, here are several tips to help preserve its integrity while still enjoying a modern living space.

Identify Original Details
Homes that date back a century or two, have often been updated over the years. For this reason, its a good idea to identify whats original, as well as whats been added since it was first constructed. Antique floors, vintage windows and ornate period details are irreplaceable and will usually require special attention, which is why its important that you know how to best care for them and avoid accidentally causing any damage.

Work With Specialists
When undertaking any sort of restoration or renovation project, working with someone who specializes in homes of this particular era or style is crucial. Whether its an architect, designer or artisan, theyll be able to carefully update your living space without losing any character or historical significance. From millwork to masonry, antique homes were built using intricate techniques that are no longer widely practiced, which is why they can be more expensive, but ultimately worthwhile, to preserve.

Obtain Historical Status
The good news is that you can usually offset those extra expenses if youre able to obtain historical status for your home. By registering the house as a place of significance, you may qualify for grants and tax benefits when authentically restoring it.

Modernize Strategically
As much as you may love the idea of living in a home that was built a hundred years ago, there are certain modern amenities that we simply cannot live without. Using timeless finishes and materials makes it easier to design kitchens, bathrooms, and even media rooms that are consistent with the homes original aesthetic while providing the best in modern living.

Published with permission from RISMedia.
