
4 Tips for Instagram-Worthy Interior Photos


Real estate agents know a thing or two about making a house show well in photos. After all, its part of the job. So, if youre looking to take dazzling interior photos that show your home at its absolute best, here are a few tips and tricks of the trade that are sure to leave all your Instagram followers swooning.

Shoot From the Hip
A common mistake is holding your camera or phone at eye-level when taking a picture of a room. In fact, youre almost always going to get better results by bringing it down to around your waist. Lowering your lens to the same height as tables, countertops and other decor will make your images appear much cleaner as opposed to having the perspective of looking down on all of your furniture.

Look to the Lighting
As any photographer will tell you, natural light is everything. Two things that often come as a surprise, however, are the fact that overcast days can often produce the best results for interior photos…and its usually best to turn off the lights to prevent shadows from streaking all over the place. For the best results, try shooting at different times of the day to see how the changing light impacts your images.

Showcase Your Best Views
Anyone with a beautiful view knows how challenging it can be to take an interior photo that does it justice. In fact, this is a rare situation when turning the lights on can be helpful, as doing so will allow you to match the light level outside and ensure that the scenery is visible in the picture.

Go for Straight Lines
Always take the time to make sure horizontal and vertical lines are properly lined up to keep the image balanced. A great way to do this is to use the grid lines tool on your camera, which almost all smartphones have available these days. This makes it much easier to capture photos that are neatly framed with clean lines.

Published with permission from RISMedia.
