
4 Reasons Why Luxury Homeowners Buy Accessory Suites


For affluent city dwellers, accessory suites are quickly becoming a popular feature. Essentially the urban version of a guest house, luxury buildings are being designed with smaller studio and one bedroom apartments that owners can purchase in addition to a larger residence for the whole family. If youre considering the purchase of an accessory suite, here are just a few practical ways to use it.

Staff Quarters
Whether you have an au pair to help out with the kids or a personal chef to prepare meals, staff accommodations are a true luxury in the city. Its especially convenient for staff to have their own private space nearby where they can go at the end of the day so you dont feel like youre always on top of one another.

Guest Accommodations
Its always fun to have family and friends come for a visit, but playing host can still be stressful. An accessory suite will lessen the burden by providing guests with their own apartment where they can come and go as they please, as well as cook meals without feeling like theyre imposing on your personal space.

Home Office
Many luxury homeowners choose to utilize this space for their home office. When you need to be productive and escape the distractions at home for a few hours, an accessory suite is a short elevator ride away. Having one gives you easy access to a private work environment without ever having to leave the building.

Storage Space
We all know how much storage can cost in the city and, if nothing else, a second apartment is the perfect solution when youve run out of space in your home. Whether you need to store your outdoor furniture in the winter or your ski equipment in the summer, an accessory suite provides you with a convenient place to do so.

Published with permission from RISMedia.
