
4 Landscaping Features That Make Your Home More Appealing


The kitchen and bathrooms are always a good place to make upgrades when you want to add value to your home, but a few improvements to your landscaping can go a long way, as well. Doing so can simultaneously boost curb appeal and make your outdoor living space feel more scenic”and whats not to love about that? Following are a few landscaping ideas to help transform the exterior of your property.

Mature Trees
Its incredible what a difference a tree can make. Whether you plant a sapling and tend to it over the years or have a team of professionals bring in a fully mature tree, the benefits are far-ranging, such as more shade, privacy and protection from the wind. On a much simpler level, trees are just aesthetically pleasing and can make a property look more charming.

Year-Round Interest
Try to focus on adding vegetation that will look great all year round and not just one particular season. After all, even if you put your home on the market in the spring when your garden is lush and bountiful, theres no guarantee that it sells right away. You might want to consider trees that display vibrant foliage in the fall or maintain some greenery through the winter with a few evergreens.

Natural Vegetation
Theres something to be said for a property that boasts low-maintenance, eco-friendly landscaping. By embracing plants that are indigenous to the area, your property will require less effort to maintain, as well as less water and fertilizer. For potential buyers who want a hassle-free backyard that doesnt require an abundance of chemicals to maintain, native plants will certainly add value.

Everyone loves a backyard that feels like their own private oasis. If your property is a little exposed, thoughtful landscaping can be an excellent solution to create a natural screen that envelopes your home. After all, an outdoor area thats free from any prying eyes is always a major draw for buyers.

Published with permission from RISMedia.
